Chamber of Commerce and Industry Southern Upper Rhine (IHK Südlicher Oberrhein)
- Address:
- Schnewlinstr. 11-13, 79098 Freiburg
- City:
- Freiburg
- State/Province:
- Baden-Wuerttemberg
- Country:
- Germany
- German Chambers of Commerce & Industry (CCI/IHK)
The CCI Southern Upper Rhine is an organisation of the regional economy.
The Southern Upper Rhine is one of the strongest economic regions in Germany. Successful companies, low unemployment and an excellent infrastructure are proof of this. But economic success does not come by itself. Especially in times of a shortage of skilled labour and urgently needed investment in transport infrastructure, action is required.
The IHK Suedlicher Oberrhein is therefore actively involved in addressing these issues. In numerous events, statements and dialogues with companies, politics and administration, we provide impetus to secure the framework conditions for the economic success of the region in the future.
(April 2024)