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The AHK Japan regularly publishes free newsletters. Here, you can find more information about the content and subscription of each newsletter.

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Member Newsletter

You are a member of the AHK Japan? With the AHK Japan Member Newsletter you receive compact information on events and news from other members every month.


  • Details on upcoming events of the AHK Japan
  • Information on Business Booster
  • News from members
  • New members
  • Information on job offers and job applications
  • In English and Japanese


The Member Newsletter is available only to our members. If you would like to subscribe as a member, please sign up with following information by sending an email via the link below.

Company name / Department / Title / Full name / E-mail address / Preferred language (English or Japanese)


With our press review, we inform you about current matters regarding the Japanese economy, politics, innovation, and society in the German and international online media in compact form. If you are interested, register now free of charge!


  • Selected Japan news from German and international media
  • Information on job offers, job searches, publications, and surveys
  • Distributed twice a month (Thursdays)
  • In German

PR Opportunities

In the latest media data you will find an overview of the available options.


If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter, please register via the link below.

Japanese-German Energy Partnership


You can find more information on The Japanese-German Energy Partnership here:


Use the newsletter of the Japanese-German Energy Partnership to stay informed about current and relevant energy policy news.
