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Working Groups

As an AHK Japan member, you can regularly participate in working groups and exchange views on current and interesting themes.

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The various working groups generally meet between two and four times per year and provide a platform for discussion, sharing information and making contact with people of experience and expertise in their field. At all meetings except for the Shachokai (“presidents' meeting”), the working language is English. Participation in the working groups is optional and requires separate registration. If you are interested, please contact Member Relations.

Working Groups at a Glance

Diversity Working Group

The Diversity Working Group of AHK Japan is a platform for middle managers, young leaders, but also interested C-level managers to come together, discuss, and share their views on merits and value of as well as challenges in building a diverse workforce and teams. Topics discussed include among others how to build gender and ethnic diversity in a workforce, differences in German and Japanese business culture, building an environment where innovative thrives. Once a year the impressions of mostly middle managers of this Working Group series are being echoed to our “Executive Insights” C-Level event series. 


Chair Person:
Dr. Carolina Kawakubo (NRW Japan K.K. | NRW.Global Business Japan, Representative Director & President)

Finance Working Group

The Finance Working Group is a working group for chief executives, finance directors and other experts in financial matters.


The roundtable provides an opportunity for specific exchange of knowledge and experience of the German-Japanese business world. Major themes are corporate governance, compliance, information technology and IT security, business effectiveness, human resources, accounting and controlling.


Chair Person:
Juergen Dumont (Senior Manager, MAZARS JAPAN)

HR Working Group

The HR Working Group of the AHK Japan is a platform for HR representatives to come together, discuss, and share their views on common issues on a regular basis. Topics discussed include flexible working hour systems, differences in German and Japanese working culture, and legal issues.


Chair Person:
Christian Schwarzkopf (President & Representative Director, Storopack Japan Co., Ltd.)

Shachokai (Treffen der Geschäftsführer)

All Japanese-speaking chief executives are invited to join the Shachokai.


Many presidents of foreign companies face a range of challenges in their communication with the head office, particularly in the area of business strategy or local issues such as questions of law or personnel. For this reason, the AHK Japan organises the Shachokai: an occasion for Japanese-speaking participants to exchange opinions, experiences and information, and to expand their own business network.


Chair Persons:

  • Toshimitsu Kawano (Managing Director, Beckhoff Automation K.K.)
  • Nobuko Kobayashi (Managing Director & Partner, EY Strategy and Consulting Co., Ltd.)

Young Leaders Forum

The Young Leaders Forum is a platform for young specialists (up to 45 years old) within the AHK Japan network. Any member wanting to broaden his or her network in the German-Japanese business landscape is welcome to join.


The Young Leaders Forum offers two core activities: discussion groups led by individuals of experience and expertise on relevant themes for the upcoming generation, and networking events with other international organisations.


Chair Persons:

  • Christian Seidel (Representative Director, Prettl Japan)
  • Yu-Tien Tseng (Human Resources Business Partner Manager, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation)


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