Frank Schulz Human Capital Consulting K.K.
- Address:
- 2-839-2 Amanuma-cho, Omiya-ku, Saitama, Saitama 330-0834
- City:
- Saitama
- State/Province:
- Kanto
- Country:
- Japan
- Human Resources & Executive Search
With 15 years of experience in Executive Search, I am now serving clients in a number of different
industries and support their searches for middle, senior and executive management positions. Although based in Japan, and depending on client’s needs, I can also act on an international basis whilst meeting compliance with ‘off-limits’ rules and confidentiality.
Japan is not an easy market for Executive Search and HR Consulting activities, but a decided approach guarantees long-term success for the right candidate, as well as the client.
In addition to executive search, the company offers career counselling, assessment centres and outplacement.
(Feb. 2024)