Start2 Group 株式会社
- 住所:
- 〒107-0061 東京都港区北青山 2-7-13 Allamanda Work Court
- 都市:
- 東京都
- 州/都道府県:
- Kanto
- 国 :
- 日本
- コンサルティング(市場参入、ビジネス、マネジメント)
Start2 Group is a global innovation leader taking your startup journey to the next level.
As a premier startup ecosystem platform, we serve as the ultimate destination for growth-oriented startups, corporations, investors, and governments to shape and scale ventures with growth potential.
Founded in 2008, Start2 Group has consistently played a pivotal role in the success stories of thousands of startups, guiding them seamlessly from initial fundraising to global expansion. We operate in key markets across Europe, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East, shaping the future of innovation on a global scale focuses on internationalization and facilitating market access for German start-ups and on promoting the start-up ecosystem by providing mentoring and advisory to entrepreneurs and start-ups through its network of corporates, mentors and investors.
In 2023 Start2 Group KK was established in Japan.
(Feb. 2024)