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自動車、輸送機器・自動車部品&サービス (Automotive, Automotive Suppliers and Services)

Juju Noda: 日本の若いスポーツウーマンがヨーロッパのレースに参加

Juju Noda is a young Japanese racing driver competing at international level. In 2023, she is taking part in the Formula 3 Euroformula Open Championship where she recently made history, being the first woman ever to win a race at that level. Take a look at that video: www.juju10.com/videos/EFO.mp4

Details of the Request:
We are currently looking for new partners to support Juju Noda in her career. Juju is young (17), Japanese, super fast, talented and not afraid of going and challenging men on their own ground... a perfect role model for the young generation. She is already very popular and has a large, quickly growing active and highly motivated audience on social media. She's a game changer, she's inspirational, super cool and doesn't give a damn about classic codes: In a word, she would make a perfect ambassador for your company.

Information Sheet

Mr. Tom Glückmann
Strategy | Art Director


MISO Consulting GmbH: German award-winning R&D company for e-drives seeks buyer

ミュンヘン南部に拠点を置く MISO Consulting GmbH は 2016 年に設立され、DACH 地域全体に 4 つの拠点を展開しています。当社はパートナーと協力して、中堅企業の売買プロセスをサポートします。当社パートナーの 30 年以上の M&A 経験のおかげで、当社は協力パートナーおよび投資家との広範な国際ネットワークを有しており、そのため売買取引を迅速かつ効率的に実行することができます。

私たちはM&Aアドバイザーとして、電気ドライブの研究およびアプリケーション関連開発の分野で大学関連のドイツ企業の買い手探しをサポートしています。同社は最近、自動車産業向けの新しいタイプの電気モーターの開発に対してイノベーション賞を受賞しました。以下の USP が同社を代弁しています。 1) 電気ドライブに関する広範で国際的に保護された特許ポートフォリオ。 2) 技術は、磁石の使用を削減または排除するため、戦略的に興味深いものです。現在、磁石は主に中国で製造されており、依存しています。 3) 幅広い応用分野 (自動車、あらゆる種類の二輪駆動装置、エネルギー分野、工具、航空産業....) 4) 同社の顧客には、自動車業界を含む著名な企業が数多く名を連ねています。 5) トップの専門家チーム (世界の「上位 2% の科学者」)。 6) 大学に近いため、若手のトップ研究者や開発者にアクセスできる。

Information Sheet

Mr. Roland Morizet
Managing Partner
0049 89 215277811



dytab GmbH: We are looking for a distributor of our Software in Japan that's related to regulatory affairs in medtech

Details of the Request:
We're looking for a potential distributor for our software in Japan. We would prefer to work with a partner who has experience with the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act Japan (PMDA) and perhaps even the European Medical Device Regulation (EU-MDR). We believe that our software can help Japanese medical device companies to certify and sell their products in the European market faster and more cost-effectively. If you are interested, please don't hesitate to contact us!

About the Company:
meddevo is a SaaS for medical device manufacturers who want to overcome the complexities of global regulatory compliance. We help you create and manage your technical documentation, freeing you from the mammoth folder structures, manually updated Word documents, and other error-prone burdens that many face when working in regulatory affairs in the medical device industry. meddevo is a reliable solution for startups and established companies alike.

Get to know meddevo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v07GWpD_qcM 

Mr. Ruben Gallé
Product Manager


イベント, 見本市, メディア, マーケティング

ForeverGreen: Offer for interview partner (cover model) for the educational newspaper Ett.

Details of the Request:
We are looking for an interview partner (cover model) for the educational newspaper Ett. If you meet the following requirements, we would like to have you as a model for a German company.

Planning: The educational paper will be distributed to kindergartens, elementary schools and junior high schools in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. *106 schools, approx. 50,000 students → The paper will be handed to the students. It will be handed to mothers.

Content: For sustainability We would like to ask you what kind of thoughts you had in mind when developing the product. Sustainable → Japanese people do not use the word "sustainable" in their daily lives, so even if we say "sustainability," it does not resonate with them. We would like to shed light on the reasons why we choose sustainability. We would like to change the context of our message, and say that our desire for a sustainable society is an expression of love, and that it is a way of acting out our feelings for the future of our beloved children. Subjects Women Women in their 30s and 40s Mothers Managers or those in charge of sustainability, CSR, and ESG *Note If we do not hear from you in time for the publication of the newsletter, your story will appear in the web version of the newsletter.

About the Company:
Forevergreen, a non-profit organization, was founded in 2001 to prevent global warming, and now works broadly and freely on all aspects of sustainability.
In the SDGs, we are currently developing our business focusing on 13 "Climate Change", 4 "Education", 8 "Economic Activity", 12 "Responsibility to Create and Use", and 17 "Partnership". The company has established a unique program that crosses environmental education with Japanese culture (tea ceremony), and from there leads to action. The results of this program were published on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' SDGs Activity Groups page, the first time for a Japanese non-profit corporation to be featured on the page. The concept of the program, which does not rely on subsidies, but rather obtains funding for planning proposals and consultation on environmental measures, is to "turn environmental conservation activities into a service that supports business. We are making society sustainable while re-expressing business with sensitivity.
Our goal is to create a system that incorporates social perspectives and does not force individuals to endure or put up with too much, instead of the conventional restrictive approach to the environment.

Mr. Motoya Wakiyama



Pro Arte Musicae Co., Ltd.: Sponsorship of classical concerts

AHK会員の皆様 弊社はクラシック音楽の公演の企画・制作、海外のアーティストを日本に招聘している会社です。Stuttgarter Kammerorchesterを始め、クラシック音楽の世界的中心地であるドイツからも多くのアーティストやオーケストラ等の団体を日本に招き、公演を開催しています。

ドイツと日本に深い関係にある皆様に対して、様々なビジネス・シーンにクラシック音楽を活用することをご提案します。 例えば; ・御社のブランディング力強化、広告の場としてご利用いただけます。 ・御社のお客様やご関係企業へのサービス、社員のコミュニケーションの場として、御社のためにカスタマイズされたコンサートは最高のパフォーマンスを発揮します。 以下のドイツゆかりのアーティストを招聘いたします; ・トロンボーンユニットハノーファー(2024年8月) ・Stuttgarter Kammerorchester(2025年11月)  協賛のあり方 完全にカスタマイズされた公演から団体チケット、広告の掲載から御社製品の提供などまで、様々なあり方での協賛を募集しております。 ご興味のある方はどうぞご連絡ください。

Mr. Yushi Kamino
Planning Sales
