Our team of over 30 trilingual experts has extensive and valuable contacts and connects the German and Japanese business worlds. The first steps are often the most difficult, but you do not have to take them alone. Take advantage of our experience and let us help you become successful in Japan.
The Three Functions of the AHK Japan
Official Representation
Co-funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the AHK Japan is the key institution for promoting Germany's overseas business development in Japan. The AHK Japan promotes bilateral economic relations with wide-ranging activities, like providing information, identifying trends and "hot topics" as well as building and maintaining networks. We also look after and represent German institutions, associations and trade fairs in Japan.
Service Provider
Operating under the brand "DEinternational", the AHK Japan is not only the first point of contact for German companies deciding to enter the Japanese market, but also a professional provider of a wide range of custom-tailored services such as market intelligence, business matching, business trip support as well as consultation services and event management. For start-ups and newcomers to Japan, we provide incubation offices enabling them to easily establish a local presence. As a nonprofit organisation, all fees are calculated on a cost-covering basis. Additionally, members of the chamber enjoy special discounts.
Member Organisation
On the basis of a voluntary membership, around 470 companies create a unique and exclusive network to promote the exchange of information and expertise. Members can participate in various working groups, regular seminars on business relevant topics like Human Resources, Tax or Law as well as members only event series Executive Insights. Corporate members also enjoy full access to the AHK Japans online member directory, receive the chamber's magazine JAPANMARKT and benefit from up to 20 percent discount on DEinternational services.
Global Network
The AHK Japan belongs to a worldwide network of 150 German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) in 93 countries. Wherever there is a particular interest for German business, the chambers offer their experience, connections and services to German and non-German companies alike. The AHKs are co-funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in accordance with a resolution of Germany's parliament.
VDMA (German Engineering Federation) Japan Liaison Office
The VDMA is the largest network organisation and an important voice for mechanical engineering in Germany and Europe, with 3,600 member companies. AHK Japan represents the VDMA in Japan.
About the VDMA
The German mechanical engineering industry is one of the country's most important industries, with 3 million employees (2021) and a turnover of 908 billion euros (2023). The VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V. / German Engineering Federation) is the largest network organisation and an important voice for mechanical engineering in Germany and Europe, with 3,600 member companies.
The VDMA has 36 trade associations, 18 working groups covering the entire value chain, and 14 special departments, all working to develop the mechanical engineering industry. The VDMA's 670 experts around the world use their expertise to support companies in the mechanical engineering industry to make better decisions.
About the Japan Liaison Office
The Japan Liaison Office of the VDMA German Engineering Federation is the oldest overseas office of VDMA, which has international branches in countries such as China, India, Brazil, and the USA. Currently, more than 150 member companies operate in Japan.
The Japan Liaison Office collaborates with the AHK Japan on various projects, disseminates information about Japan’s machinery industry, provides consulting services, and organizes workshops and networking events for local corporations.
For inquiries, please feel free to contact our representative Heiwa Hasegawa (+81-(0)3-5276-6632 / heiwa.hasegawa(at)vdmajapan.org).
European Business Council in Japan (EBC)
The EBC is a lobby group representing 15 national chambers of commerce and industry from Europe, as well as business confederations in Japan. Since its establishment in 1972, the EBC has actively pursued its goal of sustained improvement of trade and investment conditions for European business.
About the EBC
The EBC was registered with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 2008 as the European (EU) Chamber of Commerce in Japan.
The EBC currently works for around 2,500 local European corporate and individual members through fees paid via their respective national chamber of commerce. Some 200 companies participate directly in one or more of the EBC’s 23 industry committees, whose work covers a wide variety of economic sectors.
The EBC works closely with the Delegation of the European Union to Japan, the national European Embassies, and other business organisations to co-ordinate policy proposals and make suggestions to the Japanese Government on how to create an open environment for trade and investment in Japan.
Benefit for AHK Japan Members
Corporate members of AHK Japan will enjoy preferred membership conditions of the EBC and get access to numerous committees of the EBC. If you are interested, please directly contact Ms. Valerie Moschetti (+81-(0)3-3263-6225 / vmoschetti(at)ebc-jp.com).
EBC Newsletter
Make use of the EBC newsletter to stay up-to-date on current information.