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Vocational Training Automotive Mechatronics Programme

AHK Japan supports German automotive importers in deploying the German vocational training programme for the education of automotive mechatronics to address the shortage of qualified personnel in automotive workshops. In April 2024 the first programme launched in Japan's Tokyo and Kansai areas.

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Vocational Training Automotive Mechatronics Programme in Japan

AHK Japan aims at providing a new platform for recruitment and education of high skilled mechatronics urgently needed in Japan to respond to the state-of-the-art technology of the next generation automobiles. Together with the German automotive importers, AHK Japan has spent years to develop the programme with the aim to fulfill the needs and interests of the importers and the Japanese market, as well as taking advantage of the experience of German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) network. The programme has started in April 2024.


Vocational Training System in Germany

Vocational Training System in Germany (VT) is a distinctive programme that combines practical workplace training with vocational education, developing skilled professionals in society.

News and Events

Vocational Training Automotive Mechatronics Kick-off Ceremony took place at the German Embassy

On April 4, 2024, the first group of programme trainees, along with representatives from ministries and industry partners,...

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