Logo of German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan

Events & News

Platform for AHK Japan's events and news.
  • MS with Minister News

    Marcus Schürmann, CEO of AHK Japan, honored by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for outstanding commitment

    Marcus Schürmann, who has served as Chief Executive Officer of AHK Japan and Delegate of German Industry and Commerce in Japan since 2015, was honored by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in August for his exceptional commitment to fostering bilateral economic relations between Germany and Japan.

  • 2024-06-21_Board Member_NewsHeader.jpg News

    New Board of Directors of AHK Japan has been elected

    The new Board of Directors of AHK Japan has been elected at the 62nd Annual General Meeting

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    JAPANMARKT Quartal 2/2024

    COMEBACK? Wie sich Japans Chipindustrie zurück an die Spitze kämpfen will Mit massiven Investitionen und globalen Partnerschaften will Japan seinen einstigen Spitzenplatz in der Halbleiterfertigung zurückerobern. Dabei setzt das Land nicht nur auf Taiwans Chipriesen TSMC, sondern auch auf das ehrgeizigste Start-up der Chipindustrie.

  • 2024-04-05_VT_Kickoff_NewsHeader.jpg News

    Vocational Training Automotive Mechatronics Kick-off Ceremony took place at the German Embassy

    On April 4, 2024, the first group of programme trainees, along with representatives from ministries and industry partners, gathered at the Kick-off Ceremony, which was co-hosted by Ambassador Dr. Clemens von Goetze and Marcus Schürmann, CEO of AHK Japan.

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    Start of the Vocational Training Automotive Mechatronics Programme in Japan

    April 4, 2024 | Tokyo - The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) is launching a new dual vocational training programme for the first time in Japan in April 2024.