JAPANMARKT Quartal 4/2024
Revolution auf dem Reisfeld: Japans Landwirtschaft wird zum globalen Testlabor
Download hereRevolution auf dem Reisfeld: Japans Landwirtschaft wird zum globalen Testlabor
Download hereJapan to strengthen key strategic alliances under new Prime Minister
Read full articleBusiness Climate Survey by AHK Japan and KPMG in Germany
Read full articleAs the only German-language business magazine with a focus on Japan, JAPANMARKT reports four times a year directly from Tokyo on current trends in the Japanese business world. With a wide range of interviews and reports from German and Japanese experts and journalists on business, politics and society, the magazine appeals to all those interested in Japan.
Four per year (March, June, September, and December)
eMagazine on the AHK Japan website (free of charge), print version only for AHK Japan members.
Subscribers to JAPANMARKT magazine and members of AHK Japan have access to the online archive, where all issues since 2017 are available as an eMagazine.
Do you have any questions? Please contact japanmarkt@dihkj.or.jp!
If you would like to receive information about new issues regularly (four times per year) and get access to the archive, please register from the link below.
If you are interested in being regularly informed about Japan's economy, politics, science and society, please register now free of charge!
Would you like to use the media of the AHK Japan for your PR activities? In the latest media data you will find an overview of the available options.
The AHK Japan publishes specialised surveys and studies according to demand. The documents can be downloaded for free.
Business Climate Survey
German Business in Japan 2023 (March 2023, PDF)
Member Survey
Diversity in the workplace (July 2023, PDF)
Global AHK Survey
Business Climate Survey
Member Survey
Entry ban - impact on German business in Japan
Global AHK Survey
Corona Flashsurveys
Corona Flashsurvey #8 (December 15, 2020, PDF)
Corona Flashsurvey #7 (September 15, 2020, PDF)
Corona Flashsurvey #4 (June 9, 2020, PDF)
Corona Flashsurvey #3 (June 4, 2020, PDF)
Corona Flashsurvey #2 (April 3, 2020)
Corona Flashsurvey #1 (February 10, 2020)
German Business in Japan 2020