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Start of the Vocational Training Automotive Mechatronics Programme in Japan

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April 4, 2024 | Tokyo - The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) is launching a new dual vocational training programme for the first time in Japan in April 2024.

AHK Japan

  • The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) assists German companies facing short- and long-term labour shortages
  • Introduction of "Dual Vocational Training" in Japan with a focus on automotive mechatronics
  • The aim of the “Dual Vocational Training” is to raise the skills and knowledge of mechanics through systematic training over three years, while ensuring the immediate use of the developed knowledge by automotive workshops
  • Partners: BMW Japan Corp., Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation, NPO Mechanic College, Hanshin Institute of Technology (HIT)

April 4, 2024 | Tokyo - The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) is launching a new dual vocational training programme for the first time in Japan in April 2024. AHK Japan supports companies that want to train and educate skilled workers according to German educational standards. Besides gaining an excellent professional qualification, the completion of the programme offers participants the opportunity to become a true “Meister”, for those who want to pursue a further step in their career.

According to the latest Business Climate Survey published in March 2024 by AHK Japan, 82% of German companies in Japan are facing problems in recruiting qualified staff. Among other sectors, the automotive industry is particularly affected by the labour shortage. Against the backdrop of a serious shortage of skilled auto mechanics in the short and long term, AHK Japan has joined forces with German companies in Japan to create a platform for recruiting and training the next generation of mechatronic engineers in Japan. "We aim to gradually expand the programme to other areas of vocational training, taking into account the market environment and the needs of the industry in Japan. Of course, we are very interested in cooperating with further Japanese education partners," says Marcus Schürmann, CEO of AHK Japan.

The feasibility of an introduction of the "Dual Vocational Training" in Japan has been investigated from 2018. Together with BMW Japan Corp. and Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation, the practical introduction has been prepared since 2020. The curriculum to be used in the practical and theoretical sessions is an original programme that has been put together in close consultation with the partner companies and education partners, adapting the German curriculum to the Japanese situation. "After four years of preparation, we are delighted that the project is now taking off. By supporting our companies in their human resource needs, we want to make a sustainable contribution to the development of German-Japanese bilateral relations concerning the common challenges that both nations have in securing qualified personnel," says Dr. Lucas Witoslawski, COO of AHK Japan. "It is a new way for young people entering the workforce with lower hurdles for those who want to become automotive mechatronics technicians. We want also to contribute to the attractiveness of technical professions in general," adds Ryuichi Kikuchi, Programme Coordinator Automotive Mechatronics at AHK Japan.

Germany's dual vocational training system is a unique programme that offers a combination of on-the-job training and vocational school education. During a three-year to three-and half year training period, trainees work in a company, learn the latest technologies and skills, while attending classes in schools to acquire specialised knowledge and general education.

As a basic rule in the vocational training system, trainees sign a contract with their training company and spend at least 70% of the year at a car dealer company for on-the-job training (OJT) and the remaining time attending a vocational school. During their training, they receive financial support in the form of salary and tuition fees, allowing them to focus on their training. Upon successful completion of the programme, students will receive a certificate as a car mechatronics engineer in accordance with German government regulations and will be eligible for full-time employment with the company where they are training at. This programme, which fosters professionals by combining practical experience in the latest technology with logical knowledge, is unique to the "German Dual Vocational Training".

Background about the "German Dual Vocational Training"

The German Chambers Abroad, the local Chambers in Germany and the head office in Berlin jointly organise vocational training in overseas markets. The adaptability of a global concept and the specific local requirements for vocational training services fit into the mission of promoting foreign trade. The German Chambers Abroad (AHK) are a network of 150 offices in 93 countries. The AHKs are co-financed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWK) in accordance with a resolution of the German Bundestag.

The dual vocational training system, established in 1969, has become a cornerstone in the training of young people and contributes significantly to the success of German large and SME companies at home and abroad. Vocational training currently covers 327 different occupations, and 5% of all workers in Germany are trainees. The average age is 20. Currently, 52 German Chambers Abroad provide a platform for vocational training and more than 27,568 trainees have become qualified graduates in their respective area of expertise.

Comments from the Partner Companies

Mr. Masatoshi Hasegawa, President and CEO, BMW Japan Corp.

"We are very pleased with the launch of the programme, after all the discussions on the challenges we face in the mobility industry in Japan. We hope this will help to resolve the difficulties and through this initiative, we aim to contribute to the creation of the mobility society of the future in Japan."

Mr. Kazuo Matsunaga, Chairman of the Board, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation

"To have such a fulfilling learning opportunity must be an irreplaceable experience for young employees who will bear the future of the automotive industry. The environment surrounding logistics is becoming increasingly severe due to issues such as labor shortage and the so-called “2024 problem”, participation in this program to train high-level mechanics will also be an opportunity for Mitsubishi Fuso to become even more trusted by customers."

Outline of the "Vocational Training Automotive Mechatronics Programme"


German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan)


Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Partner Companies

BMW Japan Corp. / Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation

Education Partners

NPO Mechanic College, Tokyo / Hanshin Institute of Technology (Hit), Kobe

Entry Qualification

High school equivalency test passe

Training Period

Three-years/ starting in April 2024

Training Content

The German auto mechanic training curriculum stipulates in detail the items to be covered. After acquiring common basic skills and knowledge, trainees are divided into specialized areas such as passenger car technology, commercial vehicle technology, motorcycle technology, high-voltage technology, and car body technology, and are trained to acquire the latest technology while incorporating content from other specialized areas. Based on this, the programme was organized in consultation with technical schools and partner companies, while comparing it with mechanic training in Japan. The programme also includes original contents in relation to modern vehicle technologies such as ADAS.

* Training and lectures are conducted in Japanese. The training companies have already been certified by taking the international standard "Train the Trainer (AdA - Ausbildung der Ausbilder International)" in advance, in accordance with the regulations.



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