Tokio: Palace Hotel Tokyo / Osaka: The Hilton Osaka
Social Events
Sponsorship: German Asparagus Dinner 2019
Tokio: Palace Hotel Tokyo / Osaka: The Hilton Osaka
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20.02.2019 · 00:00
29.03.2019 · 17:30

Ticket sales will start at the end of March

With temperatures slowly rising and the end of winter in sight, we would like to give you the first taste of spring with the dates of our German Asparagus Dinner 2019 and this year’s sponsorship opportunities for our members. The Asparagus Dinner will take place on May 9 (Thu) at the Palace Hotel Tokyo and May 24 (Fri) at the Hilton Osaka.

The German Asparagus Dinner is one of the must-attend events for the German-Japanese business community and regularly attracts 400 guests in Tokyo and 250 guests in Osaka. In 2018, we imported 650 kg of fresh White Asparagus and 700 bottles of wine directly from Germany. That means roughly 1 kg of White Asparagus and 1 bottle of wine per guest! Impressions of last year's event are available <link events aktuelle-veranstaltungen event-details german-asparagus-dinner-2018-in-tokio _top>HERE.

Ticket sales will start at the end of March but sponsors have the opportunity to secure the best tables as of today!

Sponsorship is available for as little as 100,000 Yen as a financial contribution or in-kind donation with a value of at least 20,000 Yen. A detailed explanation of the various sponsorship opportunities is available below.

Financial Sponsorship Opportunities

Raffle Donation Opportunities

Why become a sponsor?

Your logo will be displayed prominently on all promotional materials including the event program distributed at the event, invitation emails and our homepage during & after the event. 

Your exposure is not limited to the German expat community, over 75% of our guests are Japanese nationals.

Make it your Party
Save the time and resources it takes to organize your own dinner style party: Invite clients, friends & colleagues to enjoy a wonderful evening with great entertainment.
(Tokyo Menu 2018 / Osaka Menu 2018).

Priority Seating
The best tables are reserved for our sponsors. Secure your tables in advance.