AHK Japan
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New Year's Reception 2018
Event Start
2018/01/09 · 12:00
Event End
2018/01/09 · 14:00

Members only

Time & Date: January 9 (Tue.) 2018, 12:00 – 14:00
Location: Happo-en, Room Air


The New Year’s Reception is traditionally the first and one of the most important events for AHK Japan. Over 200 guests including long-standing as well as a number of new members joined the first networking event of 2018.

After a joint short welcoming speech of AHK Japan’s president Mr. Nikolaus Boltze and CEO Mr. Marcus Schürmann, the Japanese Tradition of Kagami-Biraki, officially greeted the New Year.

We would like to extend a special thank you to his Excellency Dr. Hans-Carl von Werthern as well as Mr. Donald Bunkenburg, Lufthansa Japan’s General Manager and Mr. Toshimitsu Kawano, CEO of Beckhoff Automation K.K. our Premium Partners in 2018!

Premium Partner 2018: