Vocational Training System in Germany

Vocational Training System in Germany (VT) is a distinctive programme that combines practical workplace training with vocational education, developing skilled professionals in society.

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Currently in Germany, the programme covers 327 different occupations and hosts 1.3 million trainees annually.
The VT programme aims to develop young professionals of the next generation, facilitating a smooth transition from education to the labour market. This not only leads to economic and industrial growth but also helps to address social issues. In Germany, trainees make up 5% of the working force, with an average age of 20 years.

The programme was initiated in 1969, and the government, chambers, and social partners collaborate to establish and maintain the framework conditions of the programme. Companies play a crucial role in contributing to society by cooperating to train skilled professionals.

The Federal Government website

The VT is now implemented in about 50 countries and regions worldwide. The implementation of the pilot project in Japan is initiated by AHK Japan and is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. For information on the programme in Japan, please see the following page.

Vocational Training Automotive Mechatronics Programme in Japan

Introduction Videos to Vocational Training Programme

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