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[Webinar] COVID-19 Outbreak in Japan: How the Japanese Government’s stimulus package can provide access to liquidity?
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Cost: Free for members of AHK Japan
Registration deadline: Tuesday, 21 April 2020, 10:00
Participation is limited to 100 person.
First come, first served basis.
Maximum 5 person per one member company
Event Start
2020/04/21 · 15:00
Event End
2020/04/21 · 16:00

Mr. Stefan Mürling
, Chief Financial Officer, Schaeffler Japan Co., Ltd.

Mr. Hans-Peter Musahl, Ernst & Young Tax Co. (CV)
Mr. Satoru Araki, Ernst & Young Tax Co. (CV)
Dr. Tobias Schiebe, ARQIS Foreign Law Office (CV)
Ms. Miho Tanaka, Founder of
Ms. Rie Taiko, TMI Associates, joint enterprise with ARQIS (CV)


About the Event:

The Japanese Government provides a number of liquidity measures for enterprises in response to Covid-19.

What requirements need to be met in order to qualify for a tax moratorium? What is the practical relevance of the moratorium and which industries and companies may expect to be entitled? This webinar aims to provide you with practical information in terms of whether and how the stimulus package by the Japanese government may provide your company access to liquidity.

With your active participation, you may:

  • Get practical guidance and learn about challenges for Japanese subsidiaries of German companies seeking a moratoriums to pay tax
  • learn about employment subsidies
  • learn about preferential loans

Who benefits from attending:

Senior management of companies affected by the current crises
Head of accounting, tax managers and directors


The webinar includes a Q&A session. If you have any questions for our speakers, please email them in advance to You may also ask questions during the webinar.

Webinar tool: GoToWebinar (The access link will be sent to you after registration on the 21st of April.)

Disclaimer:  © 2020 German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan). No part of this webinar may be reproduced without prior permission. While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no guarantees for the currency or accuracy of information are made. All material relating to information, products and services (or to third party information, products and services), is provided 'as is', without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind, including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. The speakers are solely responsible for the content thereof; In no event will the organizer and/or the speakers be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from infringement or any defect of rights of the content of the webinar. Views expressed are not necessarily those of AHK Japan. All our events follow Chatham House Rules. We are working with [GoToWebinar] to bring this webinar to you. When joining the webinar, you will be bound by GoToWebinar's terms of service, including it's privacy policy which you can download from the [GoToWebinar] website or access through the mobile application. Please note that we have no responsibility for the collection or use of your personal data by [GoToWebinar] or any third party application.


Mr. Hans-Peter Musahl

Partner | Business Tax Services
Ernst & Young Tax Co.

Mr. Satoru Araki

Director | Tax Policy and Controversy, Businnes Tax Advisory
Ernst & Young Tax Co.

Dr. Tobias Schiebe

ARQIS Foreign Law Office

Ms. Miho Tanaka

Founder of

Ms. Rie Taiko

TMI Associates, joint enterprise with ARQIS

Mr. Stefan Mürling

Chief Financial Officer
Schaeffler Japan Co., Ltd.