Form for Publishing Your Profile

Publish Your Profile

- Please complete the form in English (mandatory), German and Japanese.
- Fields marked with * are mandatory.
- Please note: We will not translate the form. If no German or Japanese text is provided, your posting will appear in English on both pages.
- Please pay attention to the correctness of your information and your spelling.
- Our privacy policy can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Further information as well as the requirements for completing the form can be found under "Posting Your Profile".
- Please note: Your Profile will only be published on our homepage after we receive your payment.
General Information

Payment via*

Profile in English
* The profile title will be displayed in the profile list. This title could either be your desired position or line of business, your highest educational achievement or your current profession.

Profile in Japanese
* The profile title will be displayed in the profile list. This title could either be your desired position or line of business, your highest educational achievement or your current profession.

Profile in German
* The profile title will be displayed in the profile list. This title could either be your desired position or line of business, your highest educational achievement or your current profession.


Privacy Policy

Information on the privacy policy of the AHK Japan can be found here:

Data privacy statement

Information requirements for data processing

Declaration of Consent to the Privacy Policy*